International Centers, Counselling, Retreat, & Debriefing.
As I've journeyed I've been in pursuit of finding beautiful places of healing in international contexts. Find below some treasures.
Counselling Centers
Serving overseas workers in Thailand. Offering clinical counselling, coaching, and training.
Offering clinical counselling in Thailand, both locally and globally.
Offers online and in person counselling for expats living in Cambodia.
Offering clinical counselling, serving cross cultural workers globally.
Providing clinical counselling, member care for missionaries.
Retreat Centres
This is collective of individuals and families offering places of retreat or oasis in various locations around the world.
A beautiful retreat center set in the English countryside, offering a place of rest to cross-cultural workers.
Set in Alberta Canada, near Calgary, a beautiful retreat center overlooking a river.
Debriefing Centres
Offering debriefing (for individuals, families, or teams) in group contexts. Set in the beautiful French countryside close to Geneva.
Offering member care including: counselling, debriefing, training, retreats, and conferences.